Clinton Township Middle School Sports
If you are planning to try out for spring sports at CTMS, please check to make sure your name is on the list posted outside the health office. Check to make sure that you have medical clearance!
Athletic Coordinator:
Don Helmstetter
If your child is planning on participating in the CTSD Interscholastic Sports Program or Golf Club for the 2024-2025 school year, please fill out the following packet, and submit it by the date indicated below.
Parent Transportation Form
Sports Paperwork
The Scholastic Student Athlete Safety Act mandates that for a student to be cleared for school-sponsored interscholastic or intramural athletic team or squad-specific forms must be completed and reviewed by our school doctor. We have compiled these forms into a sports packet. The packet is due to the Health Office by the following dates:
2025 Spring Sports Season Paperwork Due: February 15, 2025
Students who previously submitted the packet will need to complete a Health History Questionnaire Update if the student’s physical was completed 90 days before the first day of practice. It is in the Sports Physical Paperwork above.
Under no circumstances will a student be cleared for participation in a sport if all forms are not completed and on file in the Health Office by the dates listed above.